Water detection: Sustainable solution to counter drought and water shortage

August 15, 2019

The recurring fight against the dehydration of agricultural land as well as against field and forest fires affects the entire world. However, not only habitats are threatened by climate change, global warming and weather extremes such as dehydration and drought: Particularly dry areas, for example near the equator, dry periods and frequent and intense droughts weaken agriculture for several years. Harvest losses due to water shortage lead to famine. The crisis is exacerbated by the lack of clean drinking water.


Solutions to counter water shortage, drought and dehydration

Supplying the affected regions with food and drinking water offers only a short-term solution, which unfortunately cannot reach all affected people. A more sustainable solution could be the support of agriculture and well building: The water detectors GeoSeeker and GeoSeeker Mini allow well builders, construction companies and non-governmental organizations to locate water resources up to 250 m deep, such as groundwater and water-bearing gravel layers. The data measured by the water detector provide an ideal basis for drilling wells. This means that drinking water can also be extracted in dry regions to supply agricultural land such as grain fields and fruit-growing areas with water.
Application of water detectors in dry areas
Application of water detectors in dry areas: GeoSeeker Mini and GeoSeeker allow to detect ground water in depths to 100m/250m.


Advantages of using the water finder GeoSeeker Mini

Due to the number of measuring points, the waterfinder GeoSeeker Mini is suitable for a quick search for water resources. The GeoSeeker Mini is language-independent and can be used by inexperienced users thanks to the display of step-by-step instructions and results in simple images and pictograms.

Improved visualization of measurement data of water resources and cavities

Selection of display type

After the geoelectric measurement with the waterfinder GeoSeeker Mini, the data is processed. The type of display can thereafter be selected:
  • Water: The left button (water drops) leads to the simple representation of water finds. This shows the size and position of potential occurrences of groundwater or water-bearing soil layers relative to the measured field.
  • Cavity: The middle button (tunnel entrance) leads to the simple representation of cavities. This shows the size and position of underground caves, tunnels and passages relative to the measured field.
  • 2D diagram: The right button (diagram) leads to the scientific indication of all measured data. This shows the occurrence of underground water and/or cavities in the measured field.
Selection of the screen view
Selection of the screen view: Inactive buttons indicate that no water and/or cavity has been detected. In this case, the 2D diagram is available as an overview of the measurement data.

If the buttons for water and/or cavity are inactive (light grey), nothing relevant could be detected. In any case, the scientific representation is available to give an overview of all geoelectrical measurement data of the current measurement with the GeoSeeker Mini.


Scientific representation with legend

Previously, the display showed a multicolored 2D diagram, which often required a second reading in the manual for exact evaluation - especially for inexperienced users.
2D representation of a cavity
2D representation of a cavity: Cavity is represented in reddish colors. The more red the more resistivity (less conductivity) of the underground materials.
2D representation of a water deposit
2D representation of a water deposit: Water is represented in blueish colors. The more blue the more conductivity (less resistivity) of the underground materials.
The new software version includes a legend in the lower display area to the 2D diagram. With the newly added pictograms, users can now read directly the diagram: The colors in the scheme indicate water deposits (blue with water drops) and/or detected cavities (red with tunnel symbol).
GeoSeeker Mini display with selected measuring depth of 20 m
GeoSeeker Mini display with selected measuring depth of 20 m: Measurement data show water occurrence (blue) and detected cavity (red) up to 20 m depth.
GeoSeeker Mini display with selected measuring depth of 100 m
GeoSeeker Mini display with selected measuring depth of 100 m: Measurement data show water occurrence (blue) and detected cavity (red) up to 100 m depth.

Depending on the selection of the size and depth of the measurement, the display contains several columns and is provided with corresponding depth information.


Simple representation with pictures and pictograms

Using the left button (water drops) and the middle button (tunnel entrance), you can display simplified representations of the measurement results. Additionally, you can switch between the representations.
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication: The water finder has detected a low resistance value in the upper right area of the measuring field, which indicates high conductivity, i.e. water occurrence.
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication: The waterfinder has detected a low resistance value in the middle of the measuring field, which indicates high conductivity, i.e. water occurrence.
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication: The detector found a high resistance value in the middle of the measuring field, indicating a cavity.
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication: The detector found a high resistance value in the lower left area of the measurement field, which indicates a cavity.
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication: The buttons can be used to display further measurement results - cavity and 2D diagram.
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication
GeoSeeker Mini with simplified indication: The buttons can be used to display further measurement results - water occurrence and 2D diagram.


Advantages of GeoSeeker Mini at a glance


For measurements at depths up to 250 meters (820 ft), consider our more powerful geoelectric water detector GeoSeeker.


OKM water detectors in comparison: GeoSeeker Mini vs. GeoSeeker

OKM GeoSeeker Mini

OKM GeoSeeker Mini OKM GeoSeeker Mini water detector

OKM GeoSeeker Mini

Water Detector for depths down to 100 m (328 ft)
Max. measuring depth: 100 m (328 ft)
Total weight: 14 kg
Data visualization: 2D diagram / simple representation
Display / Operation: Integrated touchscreen
Operation time: approx. 8 h
Storage capacity: 4 measurements

OKM GeoSeeker

OKM GeoSeeker OKM GeoSeeker

OKM GeoSeeker

Water Detector down to 250m (820 ft)
Max. measuring depth: 250 m (820 ft)
Total weight: 35 kg
Data visualization: 3D diagram
Display / Operation: Android tablet PC (WiFi)
Operation time: approx. 16 h
Storage capacity: Unlimited, dependent on Android device

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