Exceptional Venue for BFM Summer Event 2017
On a splendid day in August the members of the Bundesforum Mittelstand (BFM) gathered for its annual summer event 2017 at OKM GmbH in Altenburg. OKM is not only well known as manufacturer of metal detectors for gold seekers and treasure hunters, archaeologists and prospectors, but also owns one of the most imposing company buildings in Germany - a golden pyramid. This exceptional building is very suitable for exclusive events and festivities.

Numerous visitors from many different regions of Germany arrived. Among the invited guests of the BFM summer event were
- general managers and owners of different intersectoral businesses,
- managements and executive committee members of the Bundesforum Mittelstand
- and the extraordinary and accredited ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua.
The visitors were very astonished to learn that all OKM metal detectors are manufactured within the "Golden Pyramid". A competent team of experts and professionals develops and produces the detectors in painstaking hand work.
"High Noon" and all guest met up in the big conference room. There OKM's general managers Andreas Krauss and Ingolf Mueller gave a presentation about interesting and adventurous facts out of nearly 20 years of OKM history.

Similar to other worldwide known companies from the Silicon Valley, OKM's history started in a garage. The imposing company building alone is a strong sign that something extraordinary has been created over the last decades.
The company Altenburger Senf & Feinkost GmbH & Co. KG, represented by both of its general managers, was not only invited but also brought along its chef from the cooking school "Senfonie". He surprised the participants with some fine delicacies.
As fresh as paint all participants joined a guided tour to get a glimpse into OKM's departments like hardware and software development, sales and support, PCB and electronics as well as molding and casing. Many of the visitors used this rare opportunity to talk shop with the employees.

With coffee and cakes the visitors chilled in the afternoon sun. Some of the participants were talking in little groups and others took part on a little treasure hunt on OKM's test field. Instructed by founder Andreas Krauss the guests tried to find buried coins by utilizing a metal detector. The lucky finders kept its targets as a souvenir.