Mounting Kit Power Pack (2013-2018)

20 يناير 2018
We don´t manufacture this product anymore, view our other products.
The Mounting Kit for the Power Pack is a very useful utility for carrying the metal detectors by OKM. Mount the Power Pack to the telescopic rod of your 3D ground scanner, ground penetrating radar or directly on a battery belt.

This Mounting Kit allows to carry the Power Pack directly on a belt utilizing a simple connecting system. Additionally, the Power Pack is set with Velcro to make sure it can not fall off or slip during the operation of your sub-surface geophysical measuring instrument.

OKM Mounting kit mechanism close-up
Mounting Kit for Power Pack: The holder of the Power Pack attached to the belt.
OKM Treasure Hunter wearing the mounting kit on a belt
Mounting Kit attached to belt: The belt clip for the Power Pack.
OKM Power Pack attached to belt
Mounting Kit attached to belt: The holder with Power Pack is attached to the belt clip.

For all OKM metal detectors, 3D ground scanners, ground penetrating radars and further detectors which are using a telescopic rod assembly, it is possible to mount the Power Pack directly on the bottom of the telescopic rod assembly arm holder. Thus, the mounting kit provides a better balance during the use of the detector.

OKM Mounting Kit attached to a telescopic rod
Mounting Kit attached to telescopic rod: The telescopic rod mount for the Power Pack.
OKM Power Pack attached to telescopic rod with the Mounting Kit
Mounting Kit attached to telescopic rod: The holder with the Power Pack attached to the telescopic rod mount.
We don´t manufacture this product anymore, view our other products.

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