Bionic Alpha (2006-2014)

30 يونيو 2014
This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM Bionic X4

The long-range gold detector Bionic Alpha is used to find buried objects at medium distances. By using cross pinpointing the exact position of the located silver or gold object can be determined.

The Bionic Alpha is a long range locator which is mainly used to detect gold and silver. The device includes three individual searching systems:

The bio-energy system interacts with the bio energy of your own body during the localization of gold and silver objects to observe minimum changes of object substances. Thereby the device is able to locate almost all metallic objects.

In contrast, the ionization system is a method to measure the ions radiation (ions absorbance). Therefore a metal-ion reaction chamber is integrated in the Bionic Alpha.

With the magnetic system it is possible to detect fast and easy ferromagnetic metals like iron, nickel and cobalt.

OKM Treasure Hunter scanning the area with the Bionic Alpha
Long-Range Gold Detector Bionic Alpha: This device is used to find buried objects at medium distances. By using cross pinpointing the exact position of the located object can be determined.

The Bionic alpha is a device to locate gold, silver and ores in small distances. Medium penetration depths are quite possible.

The bio-energy system is able to locate also fresh buried objects and objects on the surface, no matter how old they are. The ionization system is mainly used to find buried artefacts.

This product has been updated. View the current product version: OKM Bionic X4

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