Detecting Ground Water in the Mountains of Lebanon

01 سبتمبر 2014

In spring 2014, the team of our subsidiary OKM Emirates FZE from the United Arab Emirates visited its local business partner Mr. Joe Hajj (GDI - Geological Detection and Imaging) in Beirut, Lebanon. Their mission: to extensively test OKM's recently announced cavity and water detector GeoSeeker in the mountains of Beirut. The geoelectrical detector has been designed to locate underground caves, tunnels, shelters and similar void objects as well as hidden water deposits like ground water.

Detecting ground water in the mountains of Lebanon

Supported by Mr. Suhail, a former adviser to the geological department in Lebanon, several field tests were conducted. Additionally to the practical experiments academic information and principles regarding cavity and water detection technologies as well as the surrounding environment and soil types were exchanged. The geoelectrical measurement procedure itself is based on a geological principle called Schlumberger and reads the soil resistivity by placing electrodes into the underground. According to the distribution of those resistivities a graphical 3D map can be created to visualize potential areas of interest.

The team was primarily searching for ground water deposits in approx. 70 to 90 meters depth,which was no challenge for the OKM GeoSeeker at all. Although being in a mountain area with heavy mineralized rocky soil and basalt deposits, the geoelectrical water detector was working great. Obtaining the underground resistivity information and analyzing the recorded scan data was very easy.

Geoseeker Water Detection Beirut Lebanon

Even the overall measurement process itself is very simple. It is implemented as an easy step-by-step guide, the operator is following on an Android Tablet PC with the GeoSeeker software application installed. After finishing the measurement a graphical 3D scan image is displayed for detailed analysis. The results were more than satisfying and even confirmed the actual depth of an existing water deposit and well that has been drilled in the past.

Detecting ground water in the mountains of Lebanon

After three full days of successful testing in urban, rural and mountain areas, the team of OKM Emirates FZE returned back to the UAE with the knowledge that OKM's GeoSeeker is a trustful and reliable water detector for future customers.

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