نتائج البحث عن "turkiye"

OKM Turkey receives "Company of the Year Award" 2021
In January 2022, OKM Turkey has been awarded as the "Best Archeology and Geotechnology Engineering Company of the Year 2021"....

Grand Opening in Antalya, Turkey
The occasion of this roadshow was the Grand Opening of the new headquarters of OKM Turkey. Learn more about what...

Orient Detectors
Orient Detectors is a reputable dealer and supplier of high-quality detectors and geological equipment based in Istanbul, Turkey. Since its...

خبراء الكشف في أنطاليا: OKM العرض الترويجي يبهر الزوار في صالة العرض الجديدة
OKM وقد عرض الخبراء أحدث تقنيات الكشف المتطورة وقدموا تدريباً شاملاً وشرحوا برنامج OKM الشهير ثلاثي الأبعاد. وقد ترك هذا...

Grand Opening in Istanbul, Turkey
Many guests and business partners attended the latest Roadshow in Istanbul, the heart of Eurasia. It was inspired by the...

Ancient coin treasure discovered with OKM metal detector Black Hawk in Turkey
A successful Turkish treasure hunter discovered a precious golden decadrachma as part of an ancient hoard of coins. He used...

Black Hawk Metal Detector Finds Coin Hoard
A treasure hunter in Turkey found with OKM Black Hawk a treasure trove in 50 cm depth containing several coins...

13 Gold Coins from Venice Detected in Türkiye with eXp 6000
Gold coins from Venice found in Türkiye: What these 13 gold ducats and zecchinos tell about ten centuries of Venice's...

Byzantine Gold Coin Detected with Fusion Pro Plus
This beautiful 16-carat Byzantine gold coin was found with OKM Fusion Pro Plus in Turkey. Read more about the Byzantine...

OKM قمة 2024
OKMكان الاجتماع الأخير الذي عقدته الشركة حدثاً ناجحاً ومليئاً بتعليقات الوكلاء والعملاء القيّمة والعروض التقديمية الثاقبة وورش العمل العملية. وشملت...

eXp 6000 Treasure Find Collection in Turkey
Coins, sculptures, jewelry and further artifacts were discovered with OKM eXp 6000 in Anatolia, Turkey. The artifacts can be dated...

TOP 10 Discoveries 2020 with OKM Detectors
Treasure hunters, archaeologists and research teams shared their pictures and videos of treasure finds and discoveries with OKM. These success...